El Pinar College has a multilingual project, which begins in the stages “Infantil” and “Primaria”, and progresses to higher stages, in addition to welcoming new students with different language levels. Our main goal is to help students to develop the ability to relate and communicate with others in three languages and enhance their active participation in a global, plural and diverse society.
The benefits of multilingual education are countels: from getting ready to a very competitive world to all the positive effects that a multilingual learning would provide like cognitive flexibility, a more creative thinking, and more tolerant attitudes towards people from other communities and cultures.
Language, but also knowledge.
This year, El Pinar adds German to its multilingual offer. The incorporation of this language is one of the pillars of the school plan; in which the language is an instrument to learn, not only a subject of study itself.
- LANGUAGE SCHOOL : Included in the context of our Multilingual Plan. Our goal is to prepare students for the official exams of the University of Cambridge.
- ASSISTANTS: The center has a team of professionals that motivates the student, and improves the level of conversation in the languages they are studying.
- LANGUISTIC IMMERSION PLAN: Our strategy for language proficiency includes cultural exchanges projects in the UK and other countries.
Nowadays, it is essential to master the English language. The use of English is getting more and more often at almost all areas of knowledge and human development. English can almost be considered as the second language in the world to affect nearly every field and profession. Speaking English should not be considered as an extra skill, but as neccesary one- for those who do not master this language are in a clear disadvantage in the labor market.
After the changes in the European education system (Bologna Plan) and the obligation to have achieved at least level B1 in English for all European university students, English classes in our Language School will be focused on the preparation of the Cambridge exams because it is the most recognized and demanded certificate in Spain and other countries of the European Union.
Since the beginning of our journey in the world of education, our Department of Languages encourages knowledge of foreign languages and interest in other cultures.
Since 2001, every year we make a trip to England as a cultural exchange. Our students have an unforgettable experience getting in contact with the language and the culture within an English family, and has very possitive results.
El objetivo del departamento de Idiomas del Colegio El Pinar es el fomento del conocimiento de lenguas extranjeras en toda su dimensión; y por ello y, en paralelo, debe estimularse el interés en profundidad por las culturas que forman parte de nuestro plan curricular.
En este sentido, hablamos de la búsqueda de una verdadera inmersión cultural en las nacionalidades con representación en nuestro plan lingüístico. Por ello y desde 2001 realizamos un viaje de inmersión lingüística a Inglaterra, a modo de intercambio cultural. Esta iniciativa representa una enorme oportunidad para nuestro alumnado de ESO y Bachillerato, que tiene la posibilidad de vivir una experiencia inolvidable en el seno de una familia inglesa. Es una toma de contacto muy positiva con el idioma y una verdadera inmersión cultural.
Esta claro que los programas de inmersion lingüistica ofrecen toda una serie de ventajas testadas entre las que podemos resaltar los siguientes aspectos:
- Aumenta la seguridad al hablar inglés. Los alumnos, al verse obligados a desenvolverse en una lengua que no es la suya, y tener que enfrentarse a diferentes problemas con personas nativas, terminan desarrollando una mayor seguridad y autoestima.
- Incremento de la habilidad para comunicarse oralmente. Este es el principal objetivo de los cursos de inmersión ligüística, algo que se consigue más fácilmente al permitir que los alumnos se relacionen con el entorno utilizando una lengua extranjera.
- Inmersión cultural. La convivencia con profesores nativos fomenta también, aparte de la inmersión ligüística, la inmersión cultural.
- Incremento del interés por el otro idioma.
- Fomento de la autonomía personal.
- Superación de la timidez a hablar en otra lengua.