Nuestro cole
👉🚨🌊⚠️ El COVID-19, que nos ha mantenido en casa durante dos meses, ha cambiado la mayor parte de las dinámicas de nuestro día a día. Sin embargo, hemos salido adelante haciendo uso de la habilidad que nos ha permitido llegar hasta aquí y que ha marcado nuestra evolución como especie. ¿Os suena? Sí, la conocemos como capacidad de adaptación y sigue siendo nuestra mayor baza. En todo caso, ni siquiera la pandemia puede parar el giro del planeta y en poco más de cuatro semanas nos estaremos asomando al verano. Será un periodo estival marcado por las medidas de seguridad, pero en el que el agua, dado que ha quedado demostrado que es un medio seguro ante el COVID-19, tendrá su protagonismo habitual; más si cabe esta temporada, donde el concurso de los socorristas será fundamental -distancias de seguridad, medidas de higiene, etc.- Con estas cartas sobre la mesa y tras la buena acogida de la edición de 2019, nuestro equipo docente del Departamento de Educación Física pone en marcha la II edición del Curso Oficial de Socorrismo y Salvamento Acuático que permite la obtención del Título Oficial de Socorrista bajo el paraguas del Colegio El Pinar, un programa de formación teórica y práctica específica que en su primera temporada permitió a algunos jóvenes titulados acceder a su primer empleo y que este año se desarrollará en dos fases -teórica, en modo ‘on line’- y práctica -en piscina y playa durante el próximo mes de junio.
👉🚨🌊El curso dotará a los alumnos y jóvenes de los conocimientos para la obtención del Título Oficial de Socorrista, un certificado oficial que expedirá el Colegio El Pinar y que les permitirá acceder a este puesto imprescindible en Piscinas Comunitarias, recintos deportivos, playas y otros espacios acuáticos.
👉🚨🌊 Arrancamos la fase de formación teórica el próximo lunes, 25 de mayo. Tenéis toda la info, con precios, fechas y documento de inscripción en este formulario… No dejéis escapar esta oportunidad… PARA INSCRIBIRSE, HACER LINK EN EL SIGUIENTE ENLACE:
El Pinar makes a debut as Sports Club with teams in competition and half a thousand students in extracurricular activities.
The school of Alhaurin de la Torre has made a recent acquisition: the champions of the Provincial Senior League of Basketball as part of the present season sports project. Primary and Secondary students, under the wing of 14 professional monitors and coaches, are integrated in the different sets of Volleyball, Handball, Small Football and Basketball in order to participate in the championship of students in Malaga.
Flamenco, Modern Dance, Acro Dance, Drama-Theatre, School of Music, Robotics and Languages (Cambridge for adults) close the cultural and technical offer of the afternoons at El Pinar. El Pinar School has enrolled in its program of extracurricular activities a half a thousand students, a refreshed Sports Club that includes nine teams in competition and up front the champions of the provincial league of senior basketball-sponsored by our academic institution-. A complete artistic offer and technique, open to children and young people of any educational community, which includes the disciplines of Flamenco, Modern Dance, Acro Dance, Drama-Theatre,Robotics, School of Music (Piano, guitar and other instruments), School of Robotics and School of Languages with official Cambridge exam preparation for adults.
Hundreds of students of different ages and educational stages from Childhood to High School join the extracurricular activities of the center including athletics, skating, chess,basketball, small football, volleyball and handball.
All these team disciplines have competition sets- nine in total: 1 volleyball, 1 handball, 3 football room and 4 basket-of different categories that are participating in the student competitions in the province, on the path that we started last year and that allowed about thirty students of the school with their different teams, to reach the final rounds of the provincial championships in which they participated (ECMálaga leagues). The performances of the young players of the whole of Basket and of the youngest players of small football are worth mentioning as they made it to the championships and runners-up in their respective competitions.
El Pinar continues to bet for physical activity and the promotion of teamwork within its plan of healthy lifestyles, a project that also has a program of nutritional balance based on the initiatives of the school canteen and the programming of menus designed according to the needs of the students, and in which pastries, sugars and products not recommended for the small ones have been removed.
The offer is complete with psychomotricity/multisport, music workshops and movement for the little ones. The activities,which are open to students in the municipality and other educational communities, are developed in the centre’s own facilities at its headquarters. The Registration period is open all year-round so that those interested in joining any of the proposals can do so regardless of the time of the course; as well as in the school of music (Piano lessons), Languages (Preparation of tests Cambridge up to level C1) and Robotics – all information is available at the School’s Office.
The commitment to music and cultural activities again has become the strengths of the extracurricular map, which incorporate a year more of piano teaching. It is an offer that seeks to promote, encourage and reinforce the musical concerns of the members of their educational community, as well as all the children in the area of influence.
As for Cambridge, the Center – which establishes its pedagogical model in a bilingual teaching system reinforced by native conversation assistants – replaces the knowledge and experience of the professionals of its language department at the disposal of all parents in their educational community, as well as students and adults in the municipality and anyone interested in preparing the Cambridge official exams at their different levels. The offer goes from Starters to C1. Starters, Movers and Flyers for elementary students at noon, and KET (A2) PET (B2) and C1in the evenings for Primary, Secondary and adult students, as well as any student interested outside the center.